Sometimes it hurts to be a beautiful cripple!

Welcome to my life. I was diagnosed with polio when I was 15 months old but have had an absolutely wonderful and full life. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband, Wes and three beautiful children-Melissia married to Josh, Weslee married to Zach, and Marshall who will be married someday to someone just as fabulous. Weslee and Zach have presented us with the most beautiful and smartest grandchild in the entire world, Shiloh Celeste.
On Sunday afternoon, June 6, 2010 my world suddenly hit a brick wall when I found a lump in my breast. Life changing doesn't even begin to describe where my life would go next.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Hello friends, just an update on our family. Once again our family has been brought through a fire and again God has proved Himself faithful! Our son-in-law, Zach who belongs to Weslee, woke up Saturday morning with very unusual symptoms-eyes were looking opposite directions and not focused, numbness in face, headache, and extremely dizzy. It was disciple now weekend at the church and of course he was with some of the visiting pastors all staying together and they took him to the emergency room quickly. Weslee was with his parents at the farm so they called her and she took Zela the 1 month old baby and began to head toward Dallas. The hospital immediately did a CAT scan and MRI and ruled out a stroke, aneurysms, or brain cancer but admitted him for further testing. A neurologist was called in and she ordered a MRI with dye because she wanted to rule out Multiple Sclerosis which scared us all! We went into this week from day to day wondering what the outcome would be meanwhile the doctor continued to talk to Weslee and Zach about what it could be and what would be the outlook. On Monday morning at about 2:30 am we received a call from our hysterical daughter that an internist or someone who had talked to the neurologist had relayed the message that the dye MRI had shown lesions on the brain that indicated MS and and had ordered a spinal draw to confirm or deny the diagnosis. She was so frightened of course and not thinking rationally as we all were. Things always look worse at night especially when your sleep deprived from being up with a new born and trying to balance everything else. She had gone home and left Zach at the hospital with two buddies so they could help him to the bathroom as he was still dizzy. From experience we all know that hospitals mean well but aren't always the quickest at answering those little buzzers. After calling in all the prayer warriors we sat tight as his parents and brother made their way to be by their sons side. Our son Marshall lives in Plano and went to be by Weslee for support from us. Now we began to wait. The next afternoon the neurologist herself came in and began to explain the situation and said she did not feel in her gut that it looked like MS lesions but the only way to be sure was to do the spinal draw which was done soon there after. This of course was a very positive statement and we took at as the miracle that we were once again begging our Jehovah Rafa for. Apparently everyone has some lesions on there brains, the trick is to figure out if they were MS or not. As Marshall said that was much more positive information than negative and we were holding on for dear life to the information. Now the real waiting began which is so hard as we have learned through my journey over the past years.
Zach got to go home the next evening and began recovery from the spinal. Very achy, headache but praise God his eyes were pointed the right way and most of the dizziness had subsided.
Now for another miracle for the Reeves family again, I received a call this morning from Weslee and the test came back negative for MS. Our God is so good to hear our prayers and even screams sometime for Him to rescue us! They will still have to diagnose that episode and she did say he had a pre-disposition for MS and they would discuss diet and lifestyle changes next but for right now Zach, Weslee and their two baby girls rest in peace in the arms of the good news from our Jesus! Of course our family and friends continue to light up the phone, text, and face book lines to get the word out. We are so excited with the results and will deal with the future much better.
As for me and my transplant recovery, I continue to do wonderfully and feel great. My digestive system is a little better and I have learned to cut down portions and the type and amount of food I eat. I still have slip ups and pay for them later but each time I learn more. I really am trying to keep the weight off because I know that is much healthier. I see Dr. Berryman just once a month and next time I will see if the testing came back fully turned over to my donors typing so that the bone marrow draws will be only once a year rather than every 3-6 months. That would be wonderful and for that I am praying.

God gave me this verse as we waited on word from Zach's test and how comforting it was and remains-Ps 19:9-10 "My Lord, You are a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know Your name will trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You." AMEN. I have said it so many times, He has NEVER forsaken me why would He do it now. My family and I have this proved to us time and time again-may we never forget!

I close with this thought, "Yet You are always with me, You hold me by my right hand. You guide me with Your counsel, and afterward You will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but You? And earth has nothing I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but You God, are the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
As for me, it is good to be near You, Sovereign Lord, I have made You my refuge; I will tell of all Your deeds" (Ps 73:23-26,28)

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Long time since I have checked in with ya'll out there and so much has happened since then. Our precious Bass is 3 months old and of course is as cute as ever. We also have another new grandbaby, Zela Lynn Schroeder was born on March 13 and is soooooooooooo beautiful and another wonderful blessing to Poppop and Suesue!. Big sister Shiloh is as cute and sweet as ever. I feel so blessed and thank God daily He allowed me to live to see these wonderful additions and watch our three grandchildren grow and bring smiles to the faces of each of us.
On March 23 I turned 61 and was so excited to be here to celebrate this birthday. There were days in the past year I thought I would not see that day but praise Him, God had more for me to do on this old earth. Funny how our birthdays just become a number and how a brush with death can make us glad to see those "old numbers". My sweet family helped me celebrate and of course my many friends are still helping me celebrate a week later. I know I have said this so many times but I am daily overwhelmed with the emotions of having so many attentive friends who daily continue to show me love ! So blessed.
Today I attended the surprise birthday party for a dear friend who turned 85. As I sat and listened to one after another of young and old alike express gratitude to her and tell stories of how she had taught and blessed them through the years, it made me wonder what kind of legacy I would leave on this earth and in the hearts of those whose paths I crossed. My prayer would be that they would have some good things to say and see a life glorifying our Lord. Certainly makes me acutely aware of the steps I take, words I say, and the decisions I make. Are they steps taken to glorify the Father or just busy steps to satisfy what I want? Are they words of edification or words that hurt and bring others down? Are they decisions that would point people to my Jesus or would make people run the other way? Enormous points to ponder and so important to leave behind as we live for Him. I just recently completed Beth Moore's study on James and I have never been so convicted in my life of my tongue and my actions. Oh Lord would that you would help me as I walk this road that you would guard my tongue and my heart so that people I come in contact with would remember me as one who pointed to You and not to the world. Such a hard role to fill and one that can only be walked if my eyes are fixed on the one who created that tongue and mind. That's my prayer.
I continue to heal and make milestones in my transplant process. I have gone from having to be seen weekly to check blood counts to having to go in one time a month and have blood checked and see the doctor. Seems like just yesterday I was fighting for my life in a hospital room at Baylor in Dallas. I see Dr. Berryman next week and we will check blood and see if my transplant stem cells have totally taken over so that my checkups can even be further apart. The same goes for the bone marrow draws which is truly great news. My blood type will have totally changed and I will have to receive new immunizations just like an infant to insure my immune system is protected. Modern medicine is so amazing and I again realize what a true miracle this whole process was. I hear of leukemia patients so often who never find donors or have severe rejection problems and God was good enough to bypass all of that for me. I still have stomach problems occasionally and food is not my friend which is so foreign to me but that is not such a bad thing. I have gone from a size 14 to a size 8 but that is good and much healthier than being overweight. Don't get me wrong that was not a pleasant way to shuck the pounds but it was a positive result and I look for those. My fingernails continue to fall off one at a time and Dr. Berryman said that was from the transplant and they would come back stronger than ever. At first I was devastated but was reminded very quickly that it was certainly a small price to pay for life itself. My hair and eyelashes are growing back oh so slowly but that too will come back and I know I will someday be back to some kind of normalcy. I continue to take anti rejection drugs but am so thankful they have worked and I have had few illnesses.
As I write this I am reminded again that God has been so good to me in this life and realize that I need Him more than ever. He is my hope and my life and I still wonder how people get through these journeys with no one to turn to. Nothing or no one can take the place of the one who created it all!
Every morning I am reminded of this beautiful creation that God is allowing me to continue to enjoy. As I open the door to let the dog outside the Spring air smells so much sweeter and tears come to my eyes as I realize that I almost missed that this year. The warmth of the air feels wonderful and I will not complain about the hot temperatures of the summer months-believe me they are glorious and I am enjoying everyday I am given.
I look so forward to the coming years with my beautiful family and enjoy every moment with my wonderful husband-what a gift he is.
As I look forward to the Easter season and especially resurrection Sunday I am reminded of the suffering that Jesus endured just for us, His children, and that our suffering on this earth cannot even compare. How grateful I am He loved us so much!
Again I turn to God's words to express my feelings:
O God, let it be said of me that my faith is growing more and more, and the love I have for others is increasing (2 Thess. 1:3)
How I pray that you may count me worthy of Your calling, and that by Your power You may fulfill every good purpose of mine and every act prompted by my faith (2 Thess. 1:11)
Lord God, I desire that these things will be remembered before You: my work produced by faith, my labor prompted by love, and my endurance inspired by hope in my Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thess 1:3) Amen and amen!

God is good------all the time!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Our new grandbaby is one month old today and so sweet! He was born on Jan. 9 at 1:50 am after a lot of work by his mom, our sweet daughter, Melissia Hoke. We are so proud of her, Josh and especially of Sebastian "Bass" Outlaw Hoke. He weighed in at a hefty 9 lbs. 7 oz. and 22 1/2 in. long. He now weighs over 10 lbs and has grown 2 inches in length. is such a good baby and Melissia and Josh are great parents. Sue Sue and Pop Pop are having fun holding and spoiling that boy. Being double grandparents is wonderful!!!!!

We have another blessing on the way, due around the first of March. Weslee and Zach await the birth of number two baby girl, Zela Lynn. Number one daughter is excited too about her new baby sister. Shiloh talks about baby Zela all the time. These old grandparents are just waiting for the phone to ring and off we go to help. Can't wait!

As for me, I am doing great and continuing to improve and get my strength back day by day. Transplant does take a long time to bounce back from and I have not gotten back to where I was before this journey began. The doctors have told me repeatedly not to become discouraged and to take it easy. It is so hard not to go full speed ahead on the days I feel really strong but I always pay for that in the following days if I don't do what I know is right. I have decided I am a slower learner than I thought because I continue to make the same mistake of overdoing again and again. I just want to be right in the middle of all the hustle an bustle again and not have to pay for that in the days afterward. Once again I look to God to lead me into the things I can do and hold me back from overdoing! What a comfort to know that when we don't do whats best for us our Heavenly Father prepares the road for us, we just have to pay attention and follow His lead.

I continue to have stomach problems and haven't gotten my appetite yet. The loss of appetite is not a bad thing but I will say it is weird not having a desire to eat because that is so unlike me. I really feel like this all is due to the anti rejection drugs that I am still taking but I am blessed to have drugs that can help my body along in this process. I told the doctor I have always had problems with my stomach and digestion process and the chemo just finished that off and ruined them forever. He just laughed. Chemo is truly the gift that keeps on giving-haha.
My hair has not come in yet and I am stressing over that. I keep thinking that the follicles have been permanently destroyed and I may never have hair again. That chemo was just unbelievably strong and will take some time to get over-again I am impatient (imagine that). Meanwhile I have a great wig and wonderful false lashes and am really good at drawing on brows so I can feel comfortable out among the world. While I am sharing side effects of chemo I can tell you it's not good for nails either. Two of my nails on my right hand have begun to let go from the base up, that is not fun and of course it looks so bad. Thank you Lord for a great nail tech who can cover up the ugly nails with shellac and make them look beautiful until they repair themselves.
As you can tell from all the rantings in the paragraphs preceding aftereffects of chemo are not fun and are ongoing for months to follow. YUCK

All of that is truly trivial and counts for nothing but vanity, which I struggle with, and I am sure God is showing me what really is important to this life. The really important thing is that God has given me the opportunity to continue living and making a difference in the world around me. How extremely thankful I am for that and how I pray He will show me the difference I can make! What a blessing to be able to return to my wonderful church and the responsibilities I have there (so thankful I still feel needed). How precious to be with my wonderful friends and laugh and share with them and just be with them. What a blessing to be able to return to work and see my sweet bosses and coworkers and be welcomed with open arms as always. How sweet it is to see my clients who I have helped for years and to hear that I was missed. How precious to be able to read and sing with my sweet Shiloh and have her hug and cuddle with me and love the feel of her arms around my neck and her sweet voice saying, Sue Sue. I love being able to hold Bass and listen to the sweet baby noises and imagining he really does recognize me and is smiling. What a blessing to look forward to holding that new little baby Zela and getting to know her over the coming years. How wonderful to be able to enjoy my great children and plan for the future and all the coming vacations, holidays, gatherings, future weddings, children, and everything that comes with being a family. Laughing together, crying together, praising our Jesus together, and just loving one another! Most of all, the added years I have been granted with my sweet husband to plan, share, love, and just plain enjoy every minute with him by my side. What a joy he is in my life and I am thankful beyond words that God has allowed me to share more of my life with him. Above all of these blessings I have been allowed to continue is the most precious one of all, a continued relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ. To be able to give all the glory to Him for this journey He has set me on and walks with me daily. As always my prayer is that I can make Him proud to call me His child and that He can be seen in my daily walk! To Him be all the glory and honor in this journey! This is my prayer.

Once again I go to His precious word for comfort. In Eph. 3:16-2, my prayer, "God, I pray that out of Your glorious riches You will strengthen me with power through Your Spirit in my inner being, so that Christ may dwell in my heart through faith. And I pray that I, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-----that I may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to You who are able to do immeasurably more than all I ask or imagine, according to Your power that is at work within me, to You be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!" Amen.

God is good---all the time!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR----May it be better than the past two!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Of course ours was so great and blessed-we enjoyed each other so much. I must say it is so good to be alive and with all those I love so much. This year was so special and we enjoyed each activity more than ever before. On top of all the festivities God blessed us with a beautiful white Christmas and it was such a joy to watch the faces of all the kids and especially our beautiful grand baby, Shiloh. They so enjoyed playing in the white stuff!

All of our family agreed we were ready for a new year and prayed that God would give us a break from all the sickness we have gone through the past two years. I must say even with all the sickness our family has never been closer and happier than we are right now, and I am giving the praise to our Lord for making something good from bad times! Praises to Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I continue to improve from the transplant. They were right when they said it is a slow long road back but as long as it works I am good. I go to the doctor here in Midland once a week for blood counts and be sure all my levels are where they should be. They have been great so far and I just have to continue the anti-rejection drugs until they say to stop. I have had no signs of rejection, which is great, but I will be glad to cut down on them as they seem to mess with my stomach and my appetite. Never had trouble with eating before but it is still not one of my favorite activities probably because of the after effects. I'm sure time will take care of that.

Dr. Berryman from Dallas comes to Midland once a month to see all of his transplant patience so January 5 is the next date I will see him. We will talk about talking out this port-a-cath that they used to give me the chemo and IV's during the transplant-of course I am so excited about that as it is just one! more weird thing with my body that I can get rid of ! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He will also order a bone marrow draw to be sure all the leukemia continues to be gone. These are always an anxious test for me because my mind begins to have negative thoughts about what if it comes back. I don't know when those thoughts will go away perhaps as time goes on, but I do know that God knows what the future holds and He will prepare me for the future. My prayer is that He will keep the leukemia away so I can continue to get better each day.

January 12 I will be three months out from the transplant and will be passed the critical period when rejection can occur. I won't have to be so careful about crowds even though I have to be smart about my activities and where I go. It has been so hard to stay away from crowds so much and be careful of sick people-I miss being around people all the time like I am used to. They also told me I could go back to work slowly and I am so glad about that as I miss the store and all my co-workers and customers. Just have a little while left to stay in. Looking forward to that mile stone!

We eagerly anticipate the birth of our second grand baby. Melissia is due to give birth to little Bass any day and SueSue and PopPop can't wait to hold him and spoil him rotten. Weslee is due to give birth to little Zela in March so we will be there to welcome her and spoil her as well. Of course we continue to enjoy our precious Shiloh and marvel at how she grows so each time we see her. God has been so good to our family and we are so grateful. I'm just thankful He has given me more time to spend with family and watch them grow and see what God has for them in the coming years. I pray He will give me many more years to watch our family grow and walk with Him.

I could go on and on about being grateful about what God has taught me through every step of this journey but there isn't much more to say. I hope people have seen Jesus in our family, even in the lowest times, or especially in those times. I can't say I want to revisit any of those times but I can say I hope they were used for His glory. I don't know what 2012 holds for us but I pray He will be glorified in whatever comes our way. As Marshall always says "He has already been there mom, He is never surprised!"

James 1:12 tells us "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him." I pray we have finished with this test!

I close with three great scriptures--Isa. 44:6,8 "My Father, I acknowledge that You are the Lord Almighty. You are the first and You are the last, and apart from You there is no other God. Make me witness to the fact that there is no other Rock but You. Enable me to say with full assurance, 'I know not one' "
Isa. 43:15-16 "You are my Lord, my Holy One, my Creator, my King. You are the One who made a way through the sea, a path through mighty waters"
Deut. 30:20 "You are the Lord my God. I desire to love You, listen to Your voice, and hold fast to You, for You, Lord, are my life."
I praise Him for being able to say how He is my life!

God is good-----------all the time!

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