Sometimes it hurts to be a beautiful cripple!

Welcome to my life. I was diagnosed with polio when I was 15 months old but have had an absolutely wonderful and full life. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband, Wes and three beautiful children-Melissia married to Josh, Weslee married to Zach, and Marshall who will be married someday to someone just as fabulous. Weslee and Zach have presented us with the most beautiful and smartest grandchild in the entire world, Shiloh Celeste.
On Sunday afternoon, June 6, 2010 my world suddenly hit a brick wall when I found a lump in my breast. Life changing doesn't even begin to describe where my life would go next.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Long time since I have checked in with ya'll out there and so much has happened since then. Our precious Bass is 3 months old and of course is as cute as ever. We also have another new grandbaby, Zela Lynn Schroeder was born on March 13 and is soooooooooooo beautiful and another wonderful blessing to Poppop and Suesue!. Big sister Shiloh is as cute and sweet as ever. I feel so blessed and thank God daily He allowed me to live to see these wonderful additions and watch our three grandchildren grow and bring smiles to the faces of each of us.
On March 23 I turned 61 and was so excited to be here to celebrate this birthday. There were days in the past year I thought I would not see that day but praise Him, God had more for me to do on this old earth. Funny how our birthdays just become a number and how a brush with death can make us glad to see those "old numbers". My sweet family helped me celebrate and of course my many friends are still helping me celebrate a week later. I know I have said this so many times but I am daily overwhelmed with the emotions of having so many attentive friends who daily continue to show me love ! So blessed.
Today I attended the surprise birthday party for a dear friend who turned 85. As I sat and listened to one after another of young and old alike express gratitude to her and tell stories of how she had taught and blessed them through the years, it made me wonder what kind of legacy I would leave on this earth and in the hearts of those whose paths I crossed. My prayer would be that they would have some good things to say and see a life glorifying our Lord. Certainly makes me acutely aware of the steps I take, words I say, and the decisions I make. Are they steps taken to glorify the Father or just busy steps to satisfy what I want? Are they words of edification or words that hurt and bring others down? Are they decisions that would point people to my Jesus or would make people run the other way? Enormous points to ponder and so important to leave behind as we live for Him. I just recently completed Beth Moore's study on James and I have never been so convicted in my life of my tongue and my actions. Oh Lord would that you would help me as I walk this road that you would guard my tongue and my heart so that people I come in contact with would remember me as one who pointed to You and not to the world. Such a hard role to fill and one that can only be walked if my eyes are fixed on the one who created that tongue and mind. That's my prayer.
I continue to heal and make milestones in my transplant process. I have gone from having to be seen weekly to check blood counts to having to go in one time a month and have blood checked and see the doctor. Seems like just yesterday I was fighting for my life in a hospital room at Baylor in Dallas. I see Dr. Berryman next week and we will check blood and see if my transplant stem cells have totally taken over so that my checkups can even be further apart. The same goes for the bone marrow draws which is truly great news. My blood type will have totally changed and I will have to receive new immunizations just like an infant to insure my immune system is protected. Modern medicine is so amazing and I again realize what a true miracle this whole process was. I hear of leukemia patients so often who never find donors or have severe rejection problems and God was good enough to bypass all of that for me. I still have stomach problems occasionally and food is not my friend which is so foreign to me but that is not such a bad thing. I have gone from a size 14 to a size 8 but that is good and much healthier than being overweight. Don't get me wrong that was not a pleasant way to shuck the pounds but it was a positive result and I look for those. My fingernails continue to fall off one at a time and Dr. Berryman said that was from the transplant and they would come back stronger than ever. At first I was devastated but was reminded very quickly that it was certainly a small price to pay for life itself. My hair and eyelashes are growing back oh so slowly but that too will come back and I know I will someday be back to some kind of normalcy. I continue to take anti rejection drugs but am so thankful they have worked and I have had few illnesses.
As I write this I am reminded again that God has been so good to me in this life and realize that I need Him more than ever. He is my hope and my life and I still wonder how people get through these journeys with no one to turn to. Nothing or no one can take the place of the one who created it all!
Every morning I am reminded of this beautiful creation that God is allowing me to continue to enjoy. As I open the door to let the dog outside the Spring air smells so much sweeter and tears come to my eyes as I realize that I almost missed that this year. The warmth of the air feels wonderful and I will not complain about the hot temperatures of the summer months-believe me they are glorious and I am enjoying everyday I am given.
I look so forward to the coming years with my beautiful family and enjoy every moment with my wonderful husband-what a gift he is.
As I look forward to the Easter season and especially resurrection Sunday I am reminded of the suffering that Jesus endured just for us, His children, and that our suffering on this earth cannot even compare. How grateful I am He loved us so much!
Again I turn to God's words to express my feelings:
O God, let it be said of me that my faith is growing more and more, and the love I have for others is increasing (2 Thess. 1:3)
How I pray that you may count me worthy of Your calling, and that by Your power You may fulfill every good purpose of mine and every act prompted by my faith (2 Thess. 1:11)
Lord God, I desire that these things will be remembered before You: my work produced by faith, my labor prompted by love, and my endurance inspired by hope in my Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thess 1:3) Amen and amen!

God is good------all the time!