Sometimes it hurts to be a beautiful cripple!

Welcome to my life. I was diagnosed with polio when I was 15 months old but have had an absolutely wonderful and full life. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband, Wes and three beautiful children-Melissia married to Josh, Weslee married to Zach, and Marshall who will be married someday to someone just as fabulous. Weslee and Zach have presented us with the most beautiful and smartest grandchild in the entire world, Shiloh Celeste.
On Sunday afternoon, June 6, 2010 my world suddenly hit a brick wall when I found a lump in my breast. Life changing doesn't even begin to describe where my life would go next.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

So Sad-life goes on!

Such a great visit with baby Shiloh and Weslee! We so enjoyed them while they were here but it is so hard to send them back to there home to carry on. I love to see them in there homes though and now that they are suppose to be there and God does great things with them daily.
Shiloh has grown so much and is so much fun to watch her explore and learn new things every minute of the day. I know she will be a great woman of God and a wonderful example to others. That is my prayer daily for her. Use her God-use her!

This is an off week from chemo and I can't help but think so much during these weeks as I get my strength back one day at a time. God is teaching me daily as I walk this journey. Through the years I have tried to develop the habit of asking God, what do you want me to learn from this Lord, instead of the human side of me wanting to say, this sucks why me. He is revealing to me what I am to learn and it is a new world everyday. As we walk with the Lord we as His followers are to be stripped clean of all worldly things and become new creatures-this no doubt is a daily process, moment by moment calling ourselves back to what is really important and asking God to show us what He wants us to become for Him. As a cancer-chemo patient I am being stripped clean with everyday that passes. I don't ask for sympathy in saying that, I say that to be reminded as I see myself in the mirror of what is really important. Much like Job as he lost parts of his life one thing at a time, I too lose little bits and pieces, just enough that with God's help I can handle those losses. With each loss I become stronger and learn to lean even more heavily on God so that I don't fall apart and think I can't do this. He reminds me with each loss, I CAN do this and I CAN remain strong. I can continue to smile and bring joy to those I come in contact with-I can continue to strive to look the best I can, even if I have to rely on fake boobs, a wig and fake eye lashes. I can continue to serve the Lord at church and receive joy from doing so. I can continue to enjoy my family and friends even on days I feel bad. Most of all I can continue to be a child of the King and be proud to say that I can do all these things because Christ gives me the strength He promised and I can call on that strength every moment of every day! Praise Him that I have been stripped and He continues to teach me daily my power comes from Him, and He will be glorified through this process.

A special friend shared this scripture with me-
The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. Zephania 3:17
Lord I hear You singing and I love the sound!

God is good--------------all the time! susan

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