Sometimes it hurts to be a beautiful cripple!

Welcome to my life. I was diagnosed with polio when I was 15 months old but have had an absolutely wonderful and full life. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband, Wes and three beautiful children-Melissia married to Josh, Weslee married to Zach, and Marshall who will be married someday to someone just as fabulous. Weslee and Zach have presented us with the most beautiful and smartest grandchild in the entire world, Shiloh Celeste.
On Sunday afternoon, June 6, 2010 my world suddenly hit a brick wall when I found a lump in my breast. Life changing doesn't even begin to describe where my life would go next.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! This is not fun

Started chemo yesterday and it turned into an all day process. Had to go for chemo training in the morning but that was really informative-learned a lot about what to expect. There was a lady in my class that was fretting about everything and kept saying "oh no, I don't like that" she finally said is there anything good about this and the precious little instructor said "No, not really". Really put things in perspective. Need to stay positive! and I will.

After blood work and a visit with the Dr., we finally got started. My port is a little further in than most peoples so the first needle she used was too short so she had to pull it out and use another one. Felt like someone put a tack in your chest, as Wes says, they did! I felt bad for her because she felt so bad since I was new at this. They are all so sweet and kind though, couldn't ask for better surroundings. Took about 2 hrs to get all of the medicine in.

The second drug they gave me she said would affect my sinuses, burning and headache, boy was that an understatement. Felt like a brain freeze but it never stopped. The nurse said next time they would slow the IV down so maybe it would not be so bad. Guess it's just a matter of adjustment each time. Gave me lots of nausea meds for home and believe me I am not trying to be brave and am taking all of them. Too many people have told me don't let it set in.

This morning was bad, had a hard time eating but drank Crystal Light and went to work. Felt better as the day went on. Came home about 2 and nausea set in again. I did manage to eat some supper though. They said I have to drink a gallon of water and go to the bathroom every 2 hours to flush out the poison. That's way different for me because I don't take time to go to the bathroom and don't drink very much water because of that. I am making an effort to mind though and believe it or not have done well today.

Today is Wes birthday. I feel bad since I haven't felt very good but as always he is so patient and kind. So concerned with my comfort. I do love him so much and appreciate him more and more as the days pass. I truly don't know what I would do without him. Thank you Lord-what a blessing!

Only have 13 more treatments to go. Not counting or anything-HA!

I only know, this too shall pass and this will all be a blur to me one of these days. I also know God gives us strength for the moment and I am calling on Him more and more as the moments pass. Thank you Lord for carrying me-I feel you stronger everyday.

God is good-----------------all the time! susan


  1. I was in Allison Cancer today with someone and I was thinking about you. Praying for you each day.

  2. Sue, I went to school with Marshall and have been reading your blog since it started. I just want to let you know that you are a brave woman and your upbeat attitude is just what you need. And you are definitely an inspiration to so many. My dad had squamous cell carcinoma in 2007 and went through chemo as well. It was definitely an eye opener for all of us and brought our family closer together. Hang in there and you are definitely on my prayer list.
