Sometimes it hurts to be a beautiful cripple!

Welcome to my life. I was diagnosed with polio when I was 15 months old but have had an absolutely wonderful and full life. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband, Wes and three beautiful children-Melissia married to Josh, Weslee married to Zach, and Marshall who will be married someday to someone just as fabulous. Weslee and Zach have presented us with the most beautiful and smartest grandchild in the entire world, Shiloh Celeste.
On Sunday afternoon, June 6, 2010 my world suddenly hit a brick wall when I found a lump in my breast. Life changing doesn't even begin to describe where my life would go next.

Monday, August 23, 2010

My what a difference a day makes!

I must update this blog as yesterday was definitely a downer. The sun came up beautiful and bright this morning and God made a spectacular West Texas day and I will survive!
So many people prayed and I know that my Jesus reached down, brushed me off, patted my little bald head and said now my child go on with your life and "do good". I felt one hundred percent better except for the fact my head and eyes hurt from crying so much yesterday. Price I pay for being such a ball bag!

Wore my "new hair" to work today and so many of my regular customers came in and not one said anything about my hair being different or had strange looks on their faces. Just made me realize it looked good because no one said anything. I just want to look like I always do. I even put on my makeup this morning without anything on my bald head. I can now look at it in the mirror without tears. It is indeed ugly, very small and splotchy. There are still little nubs of hair where it has not fallen out and of course some spots are dark and some light because of the gray-the gray splotches look like glitter-weird like a Dalmatian dog or something-not attractive at all. I definitely know where my sweet son got his ugly bald head when he shaved it a few years ago-from his MAMA! I made so much fun of him-he even tried to make me feel better yesterday and said he would shave his too but we surely don't need two ugly bald heads in one family. Keep yours son and mine shall return!

Shout outs to my wonderful husband for just holding me last night and assuring me my hair was not what made me me and to my sweet children for all the encouragement over those hard hours. They were right there cheering me on over facebook and the telephone and even in person. So many friends were so concerned and prayed and God was there answering their prayers even before they were spoken.

Today's devotional was priceless and I must share:
Father God, how great is the love You have lavished on me, that I should be called a child of God! And that is what I am! (1 John 3:1)
As I walk with You, Lord, You will not let my foot slip---You who watch over me will not slumber; indeed, You who watch over Your children will neither slumber nor sleep.
Lord last night as your child cried herself to sleep you stayed up all night patting her head and letting her know that you love her more than she could ever imagine. Thank you Lord for not giving up on your child. She is beautiful in your sight!

God is good--------------all the time! susan

1 comment:

  1. Thank you God for not giving up! And, thank you Susan for not giving up. This was encouraging to read. I am lifting you from Arkansas. I will pray for your continued strength and an abundance of faith. Love you, Aaron :)
