Sometimes it hurts to be a beautiful cripple!

Welcome to my life. I was diagnosed with polio when I was 15 months old but have had an absolutely wonderful and full life. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband, Wes and three beautiful children-Melissia married to Josh, Weslee married to Zach, and Marshall who will be married someday to someone just as fabulous. Weslee and Zach have presented us with the most beautiful and smartest grandchild in the entire world, Shiloh Celeste.
On Sunday afternoon, June 6, 2010 my world suddenly hit a brick wall when I found a lump in my breast. Life changing doesn't even begin to describe where my life would go next.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Have I told you how great my bed feels?

Finally home with my two daughters and sweet Shiloh and of course the most wonderful husband on the planet.
It is so nice to have all things familiar again. Things aren't so difficult to do and everything is where it belongs.
Thanks to the Crestview ladies that met us with a great meal, beautiful flowers, encouraging posters and sweet smiles on their faces. Friends are the best gift that God has ever given His children!
Takes forever to get ready in the morning and my sweet girls are getting an education in taking care of old naked women before it is their time but they have so stepped up to the plate and have helped. Makes it so Wes can get some work time in and I know that will cut down on his stress level a great deal.
The scars look great and my drains are doing their job. I hope they can be taken out on time as it makes for difficulty in finding clothes to put on. Certainly they don't make you look like a fashionista. Weslee has put them in Brighton bags to hang on my clothes and that made a world of difference. Thank you Brighton-I knew those things would come in handy someday.
I still marvel at the new world of medicine how they can reroute the human body to do things more quickly. Who would have thought I could be up and around in such a short time. It's hard not to do things as I am feeling good-I must mind though because I sure don't want to back up.
God is certainly teaching me, again, to let people help me! I have a feeling I will learn this lesson over and over in the next few months. I am so blessed, I can't say that enough.
He is so lavishing His love on me over and over through friends, family and just being alive and able to praise Him.
God is good-----------all the time! susan

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